New ClearSpan Building Going Up at UCCS

February 12, 2018   

ClearSpan Fabric Structures is helping University of Colorado Colorado Springs create their dream athletics facility. While the university is constructing a new baseball field, ClearSpan is constructing a Hercules Truss Arch Building right next door, which will house a brand new indoor track facility. 

The trusses on the new building have been erected, and the cover is currently being added to the frame. The ClearSpan indoor track facility will feature a six-lane, 200 meter track with an eight-lane, 60 meter straightaway on the inside of the track. While the ClearSpan fabric building will soon be completed, the facility as a whole is expected to be finished up in early Spring. 

Communique, the faculty and staff newspaper at UCCS, recently wrote an article on the facility and published photos of the construction process. To read the article or view the pictures, click here. 

The features of ClearSpan’s fabric structures make them an ideal option for an indoor athletics facility. The truss arches feature a clear span design, so there is no need for internal support posts. This allows users to take advantage of the maximum amount of usable space and to layout the facility in any way they wish, enabling games and events to be conveniently held without having to account for potentially dangerous posts.

The fabric cover on these buildings also creates an atmosphere that is perfect for athletics and other related events. The sunlight is able to filter through the cover, creating a soft, yet bright, natural light that doesn’t have shadows or harsh, blinding light. The ability to utilize the natural lighting also means that users can eliminate artificial lighting during the day, significantly reducing a facility’s energy demands. This fact alone makes a ClearSpan building an ideal option for large building projects that can quickly rack up large energy costs on a monthly basis. 

To find out more about how a ClearSpan building can help your business or project,  Request a Quote today.